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Open office layouts— a technique for “deforestation of productivity”

William Craig, Forbes Magazine, 2014


Music as a Multitasking Productivity Hack

Study published by Chinese University of Hong Kong, circa 2012


The Creative  Balance Between Music and moments of Silence

Dr. Kimberly Sena Moore, Ph. D.

Boredom is a Productivity Killer

Tim Eisenhauer, Axero Solutions


Effective Intuition: why Spotify’s Discover Weekly is a step in the Right Direction

David Pierce, Wired Magazine, 2015

Music can boost your immune system

Dr. Ronny Enk, Neurocognition expert


Listening to your favorite music is good for your brain (without long-term side effects)

Dr. Teresa Lesuik, The Psychology of Music


The Preference for Mood Management = 70%

Observed and recorded through multiple surveys and listening sessions


The Economy needs some Jammin’!

NAMM Foundation, Why Music Matters

Is Music the Key to Success?

Joanne Lipman, The New York Times, 2013

A Colossal Lack of Classical Theories

Interviews with music therapist, San geetha Sampath Sairam


Different Kinds of Productivity

Music by Mood


A Study on General Workplace Productivity

Cornell University, Florida


Unpredictable Circadian Soundtracks

User Experiment: listening everyday to the same playlist for different activities


Control is Key

Dr. Anneli Haake, Ph. D. in Music Psychology

Multitasking  for Better Creative Judgments

Alejandra Ruani, The Health Sciences Academy


New Music is Not really the Good kind of new to work with

Dr. Teresa Lesuik, The Psychology of Music




learn how musictivity works with science

To enhance the listening experience with music science to increase productivity and concentration for the hardworking professionals, multi-taskers and creative minds out there.

At Musictivity, we have combined this with age-old music techniques to keep your brain healthy and refreshed as you work extensively to be more productive. These involve a complex series of steps, as can be seen below.

Welcome to Musictivity
Our studies indicate that different music is best suited for focusing on different activities. 
While working, we use specific regions of our brain for different activities, leaving a large part of it generally unused and open to distraction.
Music, on the other hand, keeps most or all of the brain engaged and can help drown out distracting or sudden noises
By using music, we can help keep the brain engaged and working, and at the same time, increase dopamine, or the "motivation" hormone, which can act as a stress-blocker and reduce cortisol, the "stress hormone"
When we align activities with appropriate music and the circadian rhythm, our brains focus faster with more ease, and become more productive
Our data centers understand and segregate music from your prefered providers into different groups based on frequencies, genres, components and play history, which will then be played for a specific work activity, or be used to find alternatives that will work better
We study our users' listening behavior, their brainwaves and heartbeats while focusing, to actively update the algorithms that prepare every listener's custom work-music session, and make productivity better for the brain in the long run.





© 2017 The Musictivity Thesis

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