Open office layouts— a technique for “deforestation of productivity”
William Craig, Forbes Magazine, 2014
Music as a Multitasking Productivity Hack
Study published by Chinese University of Hong Kong, circa 2012
The Creative Balance Between Music and moments of Silence
Dr. Kimberly Sena Moore, Ph. D.
Boredom is a Productivity Killer
Tim Eisenhauer, Axero Solutions
Effective Intuition: why Spotify’s Discover Weekly is a step in the Right Direction
David Pierce, Wired Magazine, 2015
Music can boost your immune system
Dr. Ronny Enk, Neurocognition expert
Listening to your favorite music is good for your brain (without long-term side effects)
Dr. Teresa Lesuik, The Psychology of Music
The Preference for Mood Management = 70%
Observed and recorded through multiple surveys and listening sessions
The Economy needs some Jammin’!
NAMM Foundation, Why Music Matters
Is Music the Key to Success?
Joanne Lipman, The New York Times, 2013
A Colossal Lack of Classical Theories
Interviews with music therapist, San geetha Sampath Sairam
Different Kinds of Productivity
Music by Mood
A Study on General Workplace Productivity
Cornell University, Florida
Unpredictable Circadian Soundtracks
User Experiment: listening everyday to the same playlist for different activities
Control is Key
Dr. Anneli Haake, Ph. D. in Music Psychology
Multitasking for Better Creative Judgments
Alejandra Ruani, The Health Sciences Academy
New Music is Not really the Good kind of new to work with
Dr. Teresa Lesuik, The Psychology of Music